Nov 2024

International Conference on

Material and Mechanics 3rd edition - ICMM'2024

Starting in:

00 d
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Under the high patronage of the university director Prof. YAHI Mostepha Rector


Honorary co-President: Prof. SAIDI Mohamed - Dean

President of Conference: Prof. CHELLIL Ahmed

About the
ICMM conference

The International Conference on Material and Mechanic (ICMM’2024) will be held in the Faculty of Technology / Boumerdes University, Algeria. The main goal of this is to strengthen communication between the higher education family and industrialists, and bring the socio-economic sector closer to academic skills and public administration. Our goal is to establish a national ecosystem favorable to investment, through communication between the sectors concerned. Also, through this conference, we wish to draw a roadmap that pushes the economy and national development towards progress.

Organizing committee


Pr. LECHEB Samir

Pr. LECHEB Samir

Pr. DAOUI Abdelhakim

Pr. DAOUI Abdelhakim

M. RADI Mohamed

M. RADI Mohamed



Save your seat for the best Material and mechanic Conference of the year.

Grab your seat while they last we have a limited number available

What Topics we will Discuss

  • 1- Material Science
  • 2- Composite Material
  • 3- Mechanical Construction and Manufacturing
  • 4- Vibration and dynamic
  • 5- Fracture Mechanics, Fatigue and Damage
  • 6- Non Destructive Testing and detection
  • 7- Maintenance and Tribology
  • 8- Energetic and Renewable Energy
  • 9- Mechatronic and Electromechanical
  • 10- Industrial Engineering
  • 11- Process Engineering
  • 12- Civil engineering
  • 13- Green hydrogen and recycling
  • 14- Intelligence Artificial and Robotic
  • 15- Innovation Startup and Entrepreneurial

Get Your ticket Today Registration fees

Student Onsite

Student Onsite


100 EURO

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teacher onsite


150 EURO

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Industrial onsite

Industrial onsite


200 EURO

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100 EURO

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